To end the year in beauty, we’re offering you a Christmas/New Year’s cartoon which Bob De Moor made for Publiart on December 28th 1953. The original drawing comes from the collection of Olivier Marin, which many will know as artist behind the albums / series “Les déesses de la route”, “Le mystère de la traction 22”, …

The drawing we present you here shows very well how Bob De Moor often reworked his original drawing to get it as perfect as possible. If you look closely, you’ll see that the drawing consists of no less than 3 layers, all glued one on top of the other to correct an inking, to correct a composition or to add a different background.
We have no idea in which Publiart publication this was published, if someone can give us a clue, please let us know! Brabant Strip published an article in their recent issue referring to this article. And luckily for you they did know where this drawing was used. As it happens the Belgian radio/television broadcast NIR/INR had started with a new section, namely ‘variété’. Nobody else but Bob De Moor – via Publiart – is asked to make a special Christmas/New Year card for the NIR/INR. The card was made both in dutch and french.

Brabant Strip will also publicise a correction in their next issue as they had wrongly assumed that Publiart was not involved in the making of this card. The back of the drawing however clearly has a Publiart reference and this despite the fact that the company was officially only created in July 1954… but Guy Dessicy told us a while back that Raymond Leblanc had already launched it way before that.
This is the last article for 2014, we wish you a Happy New Year and rest assured, 2015 will bring a lot more treasures from one of the best comic authors Belgium has known.