Copyright © Hergé / Moulinsart
Copyright © Hergé / Moulinsart

Bob De Moor has done more filmposters than the one for Robbe De Hert‘s “Janssen and Janssens” in 1989. 5 years earlier, in 1984, he made the filmposter for “Tonnerre De Brest, Silence! – L’âge d’or de la BD Belge 1929-1950”.

The belgian film, directed by Armand Zaninetta and Didier Bastien, was 98 minutes in length and featured such comic authors as Franquin, Jacobs, Morris, Roba, Peyo, Cirius, Eddy Paape next to the (not so famous) actors as Tanguy Foglia, Paul-Henri Burton and Luc Habets. The film itself was produced by the Brussels based Centre de Produdictions Audio-visuelles Studio AZ 35.

The poster you see here was completed by Bob De Moor after Hergé‘s Captain Haddock character. Notice the rock formations in the background.

There’s an anecdote to this film. When the film was premiered at the City 2 in Brussels, Edgar P. Jacobs arrived (together with De Moor) with a gun in his pocket. Jacobs had heard that the police had arrested drug pushers in the area a few weeks earlier and decided it was safer having a gun on him… “just in case they attack us” so he told Bob De Moor.

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