Unlike what many might thing, there are a lot of drawings being made by comic artists which risk to never see the light of day, especially if they have been giving to a relative who is not into selling these treasures. Today I reveal you such a small treasure which I spotted when I visited Annemie De Moor and Luc De Meulenaere a while back.

The small 15×15 cm drawing was created by Bob De Moor in 1965 for the 7th birthday of their daughter Annemie ‘Annemieke’ De Moor. The drawing is an exquisite example of the drawing style which De Moor handled in the mid sixties and features Balthazar and 2 other figures all holding flowers. The colors are quite vivid and thus quite attractive for a 7 year old girl.
The text balloon says “Lovely flowers for Annemieke’s birthday. Congratulations, Annemieke”. The drawing is signed Bob De Moor right under the drawing but on the bottom right we also see the line “from mum and dad 18 December 1965”.
The picture we show here is a photograph, we’ll be updating the article with a better photograph on due time.